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Archive for the 'Homeschooling' Category

Types of Journal Writing

Jo - Friday, October 17, 2008, 9:03 pm
1 Comment
Categories: Homeschooling, Writing

Here are some types of journals for children to write: Daily journal: Write down what happened that day. Food journal: Write down everything you ate during the day. Homework journal: Write down all homework assignments and keep track of each completed assignment by placing a check mark next to it. Progress journal: Write down the […]

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Story Starters and Writing Tips

Jo - Wednesday, October 15, 2008, 7:20 pm
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Categories: Homeschooling, Lesson Plans, Writing

Here are some more story starters…. Write a letter to yourself to be read 10 years from now. Write about your best/worst day ever. Make a poster about yourself. Describe the best present you ever received. Make a list of things seen, heard, and felt at a particular place. Draw a picture of your family […]

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