Jo - Friday, October 17, 2008, 11:56 pm
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Categories: Homeschooling, Lesson Plans, Social Studies
My son is going to make his own encyclopedia of explorers. Before he begins, he is going to look at real encyclopedias and read the definition of an encyclopedia. For each explorer, he will print out interesting facts along with their picture and write a summary. The following explorers are going to be in our […]
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Jo - Wednesday, October 15, 2008, 7:20 pm
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Categories: Homeschooling, Lesson Plans, Writing
Here are some more story starters…. Write a letter to yourself to be read 10 years from now. Write about your best/worst day ever. Make a poster about yourself. Describe the best present you ever received. Make a list of things seen, heard, and felt at a particular place. Draw a picture of your family […]
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